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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  October 24, 2018 11:00pm-11:34pm EDT

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i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin and i approved this message. news 4 at 11:00 begins with breaking news. good evening. we begin tonight with o word more suspicious packages and possible explosives, targeting high profile democrats. >> don't, the fbi confirms it intercepted two packages addressed to california
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congresswoman maxine waters. one in maryland and one ats. th postal facility at downtown los an this is new video of the lapd bomb squad. and the hunt is on for another possible package. >> law enforcemenic ols believe former vice president joe biden may be a target. this after pipe bombs were already sent to hillary clinton, former president obama, former attorney general eric holder and mocratic donor george soros and cnn. here's what wenow abohose bombs. all were mailed ina man envelopes like this, with a return address for debbie wasserman schultz. one was even returned to her office. >> the bombs apparently had timers. they contained powder from fi fireworks. and x-ray images seem to show them pac d withshrapnel, which would cause serious injury if they exploded. we have team cerage of this
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story tonight and the impact on our security here in washington. harris, start with leon he's working this story from the live desk. leon? >> well, jim, doreen, there's just so much to unpack here, so, let's begin with the threat against congresswoman maxine waters. two packages addressed to the california democrat are similar in appearanceo other packages that are were sent today. one intercepted in capital ights maryland was addressed to her d.c. office. the other picked up on its way to the office in her poehome district in california. this is video l from angeles, where a downtown l.a. post al facility was evacuated. officials are always looking into the possibility that aag pa for joe bidens with moving through the postal service. nothing has been found in biden's home, so, it is believed that package is out there somewhere. cnn anchors were forced to
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evacuate while on the air when they received a package. it was addressed to john brennan. he called on president trump to tone down his rhetoric. the president stumping in wisconsin says the media has a role to play in helping reunite the country. >> the media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility. >> unfortunately, i think donald trump, too often, has helped to incite somef these feelings of anger, if not violence. >> at his rally in wisconsi mr. trump said that one way to settle our sagreements is peacefully at the ballot box and voters will he their chanceo do that. the midterm is less than two weeks away. doreen jim? >> leon, thank you. >> let's go to news 4's derek ward. he's in c.'s calarama neighborhood, where the olimas . you talked with d.c.'s head of homeland security tonight. >> reporter: yeah, indeed.
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we talked at lengthbout the level of cooperation among local and federal officials, and it's very important at a time like this, and a place like this. as you said, we're on the street where the obamas live. you can see, there's a secret service detail there. the house is maybe fiver six houses down around the block. you can't get verylose and neither did that suspicious package. we're way closer tn that package actually got. and that, again, is testament to the level of cooperation among local and federal authorities. this street in northwest has een heavily guarded since former president barack obama and his family made it their post-presidential home. today, a bit more security, after an explosive package addressed to the formerid prest was found at a screening facility. the protection of the former presidt falls underhe responsibility of theecret service, but d.c. officials are in the loop, as they should be, regarding the seemingly dangerous devices. >> particularly, the one that was discovered here in the district. >> reporter: protections andpr
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edures are indeed working. d.c.'s homeland security director says it's not just public safety officials that like them work. the p itself is an important part of the equation. >> in my years a i the cia, was there for 12 years, i know first-hand that see something, cty something is not a cliche. itlly does save lives. so, if you're thinking, i don't want to bother thece police of no. any type of suspicious activity needs to be reported to law forcement. >> reporter: as the investigation into the day's troubling events continues, local and fed aal officialsre working together in measures that are openly observable and others that are not. in northwest, derek ward, news 4. i'm cory smith on capitol hill, where tonight,lawmakers are praising the u.s. postal workers who kept the explosive devices from reaching their intended target. >> some federal ployee, some postal worker, recognized that something was amiss and c lled
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phone,ment. we're so gratel for whoever they were. >> rorter: eleanor holmes norton says today's event take he back to the 2001 anthrax attack, where two d.c. poswol ers died from exposure to the toxin. norton says the words etched upon the memorial outside the brentwood post office that bares their name rings use today. thse of the mail stream for these despicable acts teatened al americans. just also it did back then, the postal service is warning its but congresswoman norton says another way to protect them is to tone down the rhetoric that she believes is fueling these attacks. >> we need to do this for the sake of those w are on the front lines. and we need to understand who they are. they are really ordinary people. >> reporter: now, in addition to the flyers we showed you, the u.s. postal service is scheduling nationwide safety talks toremind its employees about the proper procedures and
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protocols to follow, should they encounter a suspicious package. jim? >> lot of people stand between these packages and their intended targets.ta it's an imp part of this story. cory, thank you so much. as cory mentioned, today's incidents are reminiscent of the anthrax scare that hit washington and new york and w.orida 17 years ago it was october and november of 2001, just after the 9/11 attacks, when lawmakers and news organizations received letters containing anthrax. five people died, including those two d.c. postal workers, thomas morris and joe seven kercine. the fbi' prime suspect was never charged, dr. bruce ivans. he committed suicide in 2008. he was a microbiologist at an army research lab in maryland. we'll otay on top new developments in this pipe bomb story overnight, including the search for another possible suspicious package.
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as soon as you wake up, turn on news 4 today. we'll tell you what happened when you were sleeping. "the today show" will have live updates in new york. o other newstonight. police have arrested a third suspect in the alarming shooting death of a 10-year-old girl. tonight, that child's mother is talking to news 4 about the break in the case. micah wilson was going to get ice cream, you'll recall when masked men jumped out of a car and opened fire at a apartment complex here in northeast d.c. this past jl. gregy taylor now faces murder charges for the shooting. micah's mother describes why she can't forgive the suspected killers. >> the past couple of court dates and everything i've been through, there's no sympathy. god says you should forgive a lot of people, but to me, it'sn -- they're not even showing that they care. >> reporter: police chief peters newsham is detectives are still looking for at least two more suspects, and they intend to bring them to justice.
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tonight, the family of a mal in a springfield house fire is sharing his name and picture wit us 70-year-old jaime rodriguez died in the fire. two men tried to save his life.g roz was wildly known in the bolivian community as papa jimmy. two guys who were working on a house nearby ran to try to help. hey grabbed a work ladder and leaned up up against the home, was already just too hot. we don't yet know what caused it. a quick arrest tonight in the suspected rape. montgomery county police cuffed malachi raymond. he is accused of raping a teenage girl monday night. the victim says she met raymond minutes before the attack. raymond's attorney says the sex was consensual. tonight, there's a new vi resource for sors of abuse at the hands of clergy members.
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next, we'll tell you how vi iinia is followi d.c.'s footndeps. a one. one lucky person is very, very rich tonight. what we do and we do not know about the mega millions winner. >> what we know about tonight, it's goingdo be a c night, already there. 37, gaithersburg. 32, winchester, 39 in culpepper. yeah, frost advisory for some across.he ar cold start tomorrow, and we're tracking that nor'easter. tracking that nor'easter. i'll explain wha
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spanberger: i'm abwhen dave brater, and i appwent to congress,. he went washington. [ camera shutter clicks ] while virginians struggle with rising drug prices, brat's taken thousands from pharmaceutical, insurance, and other health care companies, voting them billions in tax breaks while voting against lowering the cost of prescriptions and voting against protections for pre-existing conditions for the people he represents. brat serves his donors' interests. we need someone who's for us. there is a new investigation into the catholic church tonight. virginia's attorney general says he will investigate possible
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sexual abuse by clergy in the commonwealth. he joins both d.c. and marylandr attorneys g investigating the church now. the virginia a.g. says heto wan know if priests abused children and tried to cover it up. he says a new hotline and online reporting system is now available for viayims. he the grand jury report in pennsylvania motivated him to begin this investigation. >> if there has been abuse of coverup in virginia, as there was in pennsylvania, i want to know about it, i want to roo it out and i want survivors to get justice and get onto a path of healing. >> bishops from the diocese of arlington and the diocese of richmond leased a joint statement today, saying in part, quote, we hope that this process will bring healing for all victims and confirm our commitmentil to accountaby and justice. 20 years after hisdeath, matthew she par sheppard will s
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a final resting place. he'll be interred at washington national cathedral. a news 4 c wera let inside the neve today where the service will be held. he was 21 years old when he was beoren and left dead in wyoming because he was openly gay. his parents sayhe cathedral will be a safe place for their son's ashes. look for coverage of friday's service right here on news 4. get there on time or get your money back. metro's rush hr promise refunds your smart trip account when the system is 15 minutes late or more. since the program beg this year, metro has refunded riders nearly $1 million. that's well below the $2.5 million that they had budgeted. well, now metro plans to rai the bar, because, it says, service is improving. metro plans to change the rule and reiurse you whe trains and buses are ten minutes late, starting next year.>> chump change compared to our next story here. someone in a small town with some big-time dreams i now more
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than 1$1.5 billion richer tonight. >> but despite the record jackpot, the winner's identity remains a mystery tonight. d nbc's kristen doll green tells us why we may never know wh>> won. reporter: tonight, , simpsonvilleouth carolina, ise keeping of the world's biggest secrets. >> i'm just glad someone in south carolina hit it. >> reporter: someone who bought a tict at the local kc mart is a megamillionaire, winning a $1.5 billion prize or a lump sum of $878 million before taxes. the store's owner isn't illing. and we may never know. south carolina, one of just eight states that allows winners to remain anonymous. but don't despair, there's still time to be a multimillionaire. tonight'ow pball drawing is just hours away. people here hoping lightning strikes twice. a mere $620 million on the ne.
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not a bad consolation prize. kristen doll green, abc news. >> i got a few family and friends down in south carolina. >> yes, you do. is there something you wantll t oug and me? >> no, no, but you know, should i be concerned if somebody's not returning my calls? >> change their number and everything. >> uh-huh.ow that'st is. >> yeah. >> they say you have to set up a d oft if you do win that k money. i did hit the powerball and i won $4. $2. >> i'm setting up a trust. >> you called an attorney and -- >> yeah, it's all set up. $2 an hour for,he attorn i get $2 leftover. >> we'll glad you handled that wiselyug. we wouldn't you to be irresponsible with your winks. >> exactly right. >> it's going to be another cold morning for us, isn't it? >> we'reng about frost advisory in parts of the area, that means get the ice scrapers ready. this is kind of interesting. this is the first time we've had one of these where it involves parts of the area but not other parts there's a reason why. fist off, though, a very nice shot outside. it's chill night.
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temperatures vary, though. right now, downtown, it's sitting at 46 degrees. winds out of the north at miles an hour. look at the numbers, though. 37, 37, gaithersburg. these areas coolfaster. annapolis, still close to 50. so, a big difference between those two areas. one's along the water, another one, on the suburbs that does cool quicker. frostis ay for everybody along and east of i-95, but noce, not for virginia, west virginia or most of maryland. why? well, you're growing season is over and you only get frost and freeze warnings when your growing season is still in place sre. so, it'sll here, but if we do see the frost or freeze tonight in parts of the area, we'll no longer have any frost or freeze advisories in our area. it's going to be cold. northern virginia, you'll see frost on your cars in the morning, as well. get the scrapers bready.
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scho stop tomorrow, have the kids, make sure they're ready for the cold. 40 degrees. that's inside the beltway. most areas down around 33, 34 in the suburbs. 52 by cess. 56 by pickup with sunny skies. however, i expecting a lot of high clouds tomorrow. we'll see the sun through the high clouds, but they'll obscure the sun just a bit. this is why. all yo have to is go back to the west, and look at this big area of rain and look at the cloudstreaming out ahead of it. the rain developing down a the south, nor'easter developing, too. that's going to move along the gulf coast and come up the coast our way and for us, that rain on this one, no, a lot of people saying nor'easter, that means snow -- not quite yet. if this was january, we'd be ghlking about 10 to 15 inches of snow. now, this is all rain, friday night into early saturday. the heaviest rain will friday night. one to two inches of rain. yes, that would be0 to 20 inches of snow. moves out on saturday morning. by the way, my winter forecast
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coming out in about three weeks if that helps you out at all. again, moves out saturday morning. that's some very goode news h for saturday. first off, let's show you friday. 8:00 a.m., no problem. i think we'll g to work, no problem. even lunchtime, most of us are dry. but watch as the rain moves in, 2:00, 3:00, even some moderate to heavy rain through 5:00 and 6:00 and heaviov as we on through the overnight hours. as i mentioned, most of saturday, dryin out. that's some good news. a.m. rain and wind, but we do dry during the afternoon. so, temperatures of 56 degr bs, not tt day, but not terrible in the afternoon. sunshine, a little bit, possibly, on sunday. not bad, really, i think, sunday's a nice day. temperatures close to 60 in most of the area. again, cool tomorrow, with that saturday and sunday, the better day, if you're thinking, hey, i still need to get theki pu, get out there on sunday. halloween, right around the corner. halloween looking rather cool, too. a high of only 54. a low of 42. so, that's very similar to tomorrow. yeah, we'ree talking m frost, potentially, on those pumpkins
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early wednesday and thursda morning as the kids are, you know, counting the candy that they got, mreing you know, you're able to pick out what you want before they go to sleep that night. >> we know how that works. and things are looking up for the marine runners. >> looking better. >> all right. >> thank you, doug. coming u why the redskins game against the last place ofnts could be their biggest the season. >> sports, next. but first, here's jimmy fallon.h e is my guest tonight. plus, we have
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the washington post endorses jennifer wexton for congress... saying barbara comstock's "promise has turned to dust." she's trump's "unquestioning foot soldier." jennifer wexton is the "clear and convincing" choice. "smart, serious and substantive" ... "ms. wexton would be a breath of fresh air" in congress. i'm jennifer wexton and i approved this message because i've worked across party lines to get things done.
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that's how we can fix congress and make it work for us again.
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this is the xfinity sports desk. >> we have a new name joining the nbc sports team maybe a familiar face, if you watch espn, six years there. >> sixe, years th hosted "sportscenter," you got to be like a really devoted fan if you recognize me. but ah, from california originally and spent my last six years in connecticut. >> welcome. aboa >> we're glad you're here. >> appreciate that guys. i have question for y guys. are you by chance "star wars" nerds like me? >> the original. the original. >> okay. >> one. >> don't kind of leave me hanging. the only reason i ask is because this sunday's redskins/giants game is what i like t call the admiral akbar game. t's a trap. onpaper, looks like an easy w. giants 1-6, they traded two defensive starters this year. eli manning is as mobile as thja hut. really being timely with my references right now. but tre's a reason why washington is only a one-point favorite. the redskins offense ranked 28th
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in total yards this season. not so good, but injuries have played apart in that. today, progress. chris thompson, who missed tla st two games with knee and rib injuries, back at work. also, paul richardson, who sat out last week's practices and game, back ond, the fiel but still dealing with shoulder a knee injuries. good time for players to return, as the redskins note, theytan't look phe g-men, as this game is important to their division lead. >> we know, you fow? becauseou come in and obviously, thew,, you k winning the division is key. so, everyone is aware where we are,here we stand, so -- we just got to do our job, makre sure w showing up. >> this is a division game, a issuesat has given us the past few years. thes talent i there. obviously, they've been in some games that hasn't went their way, but i think the worst mistake we can make is going in and looking at their record and expecting them to play what their record says. >> it's our chance to go out there j andust keep this ball
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rolling. we moving in the right direction, guys got to continue to stay focused and continue to be,kn you ow, the team we know we c be. since john wall entered the league, the wizards are just 2-13 against golden state. now, that's a more lopsided record than kanye west against logic. >> ah. >> low blow. st time the wizards and warriors med in oakland, there e werejections for fighting. not so much here. wizards hoping to pull off an upset against kevin durant and the warriors. come back home, kev. problems for the wizards. john wall throwing it up for bradley beal, but check this out. this is just a couple minutes into the game, beal holding his chest, heads to the locker room. the team calling it a bruised sternum. later, there's k.d. o showing the hand. pull-back j. yeah, i guess he's good at hoop. this guy's also not too shabby
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at hoop. steph curry cooking. and take a look. this shot didn't even count. but we had to show it because it's that good. when he's hot, he's hot. he was 5 of 5 from three-point rang 23 points in the first quarter alone. right now, golden state leading the wiz in the second quarter. hey, guess what? world series game two over. >> already. >> the red sox have taken a 2-0 series lead. ey take down the dodgers, 4-2 in this one. david price gets the w. former national pitcher rya madsen -- >> gave up three.t ll earned, i know. >> not all earned -- his e.r.a. is stillro, but he's given up a lot of runs but he's having a rough outing so far in the world series. quick game tonight. all right. cary, thank you. cary, thank you. >> thank you,
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spanberger: i'm abwhen dave brater, and i appwent to congress,. he went washington. [ camera shutter clicks ] while virginians struggle with rising drug prices, brat's taken thousands from pharmaceutical, insurance, and other health care companies, voting them billions in tax breaks while voting against lowering the cost of prescriptions and voting against protections for pre-existing conditions for the people he represents. brat serves his donors' interests. we need someone who's for us.
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before he was attorney general, brian frosh led maryland's fight to clean up the bay. so when donald trump's epa attacks our clean water laws, frosh is leading the charge to stop them. attorney general brian frosh.
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we have some fantastic schools slipped. and we have a lot of schools that are in crisis. our current governor has withheld money that could've been spent on education. maryland needs a governor whose top priority is public schools. ben jealous has a plan to fully fund education, to bring teacher pay up so that we can attract the best and brightest. ben's education plan is supported by teachers like me. if parents want better schools, then ben jealous needs to be the person they vote for. my name is rachel and i'll be voting for ben jealous for governor.
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a pair of brothers in law are doing something that hasn't been done in prince george's county since prohibition. >> this is a great story. they're opening a distillery. they celebted their newome today in hyattsville. check it out. the brothers in law are running the operation in this 100-year-old building. the distillery will offer a sweet dutch-style gin and aear brandy when it opens to the
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public next month. i'm suddenly craving a night cap. >> yeah, with a snack, maybe. that's pretty cool. >> thats cool. >> it is. >> we'll have to check that out. >> i love that. >> all right, very good. h thank you fing us. news 4 today starting at 4:00 news 4 today starting at 4:00 a.m. with the latest on th announcer: the following will surprise you about barbara comstock: barbara comstock: "i think roe vs wade shld be overturned and the state should decide it." announcer: that's right. comstock supports taking away a woman's right to choose. she voted to defund planned parenthood
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6 times, limiting women's access to contraception. and comstock votes with trump ninety eight percent of the time. jennifer wexton: endorsed by the washington post. she'll protect a woman's right to choose. jennifer wexton for congress independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this vertising. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this vertising. hebreakfast makers, takers, step counters, outdoor explorers, faith restorers, appointment keepers, fantastic creatures. farmer's market goers, cholesterol lowerers cell phone silencers. the new lease on lifers, and the positive thinkers. here's to you all that see every day as an opportunity to thrive your way. i waso i'm used tor, getting to work early. now i have a general practice, with a lot of patients who are counting on me. many of them worry about president trump taking away protections for pre-existing conditions.
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and women are frightened they could lose reproductive health care. it's why i'm glad i have a friend named ben. ben is a national leader who's protecting obamacare from president trump. he's my friend ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin and i approved this message. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- greg kinnear --


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